Dai Le MP
Independent Federal Member for Fowler
The Federal Member for Fowler, Dai Le announced today that she will challenge the Climate Change Bill (2022) in Australian Federal Parliament.
“I have decided to abstain from voting on the Climate Change Bill until there are more details on how its implementation will affect low-income families in Fowler,” said Ms Le.
The Independent MP supports a cleaner and greener environment but remains steadfast in her commitment helping Australian families manage the current cost of living emergency.
“I do not consider the current Climate Change Bill to be an emergency. Right now, Australian families have a real emergency, and we need to focus on low-income families who are struggling with high food, fuel and energy prices,” she said.
In principle, the Independent Member for Fowler supports stronger climate targets, and will certainly consider supporting a revised version of a Climate Change Bill in the future.
“As it stands the legislation lacks detail which means there is no certainty on power prices, there is no certainty on how we will achieve it. The current Climate Change Bill lacks vision on how it will affect our communities now,” said Ms Le.
Ms Le remains the voice of reason when it comes to climate change and the issues that face Australian families and her in particular, those in her electorate of Fowler.
“I want to support initiatives that validate the future of Australians. As we look to a future our children can be proud of, we have to make informed and educated choices and that means understanding the consequences of Bills like this one.” She said.
Right now, we need to take action on the cost-of-living emergency that is crippling most Australian families who are struggling to survive with an inflation rate at 6.1% and rising.
“People are struggling with a cost-of-living emergency, we are dealing with rising fuel costs with no relief in sight. In my electorate, the average household income is 20% less than the rest of Australia, we need solutions now,” said Ms Le.
“As a Federal Parliament for the people, it’s our job to work for the people. What the people need right need is economic relief, and this is my priority right now.”
Melinda Boutkasaka | 0431 887 960
Josephine Di Loreto | 0412 712 346