This is an opportunity for community groups and organisations in Fowler to enhance local infrastructure and resources.

This initiative offers vital funding ranging from $2,500 to $20,000 to empower volunteer and community organisations to deliver social benefits to local communities.

The Stronger Communities Grant Programme: Round 9 is open for expressions of interest.

The Youth Empowerment Program will provide funding to organisations for programs for youth aged 10 to 17 who are engaged in, or at-risk of becoming engaged in, criminal and/or anti-social behaviour.

It is expected that activities will be aimed at the participation of young people at-risk aged between 10 to 17 to reduce the incidence of low-level engagement in criminal activity and decrease recidivism rates.

The NSW Primary Prevention Multi-Year Partnerships (MYP) Grants Program is now open for local organisations statewide, that address the drivers of domestic, family and sexual violence in our community.

Expressions of Interest will close on Tuesday, 18 February 2025. Following the Expression of Interest, eligible organisations will be invited to submit detailed proposals for funding consideration.

The full grant application process for the MYP Grants Program will be run in early 2025.

Funding of grants of up to $50,000 to support arts and cultural sector organisations, in collaboration with a creative industry business partner, to develop boundary-pushing projects and programs.

Applications are invited from not-for-profit small-to-medium arts and cultural organisations collaborating with a creative business to deliver an innovative idea. The broad range of partner creative industries businesses include broadcasting and digital media, design, architecture and fashion, built and physical heritage, arts education, food and beverage and technology sector.


Volunteer Grants Program supports the work of local community organisations by reducing barriers for volunteers and increasing participation in volunteering.

Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 will be available to assist eligible not-for-profit community organisations that rely on volunteers.

The 2024–25 Volunteer Grants Opportunity is open for expressions of interest.

The Multicultural NSW Safe Places for Faith Communities Grants provides funding for places of worship and other eligible places where faith communities gather regularly.

Grants between $5,000 to $250,000 are available for projects delivered by 30 June 2026.

Grassroots volunteer involving organisations can now apply for small grants ($10,000 – $20,000) for one-off, time limited projects that support vulnerable and disadvantaged people by strengthening the organisation’s volunteer capability and capacity.

Local councils, Government entities and not-for-profit organisations are eligible to apply for a fixed grant of $10,000 to deliver inclusive events on our national day. An additional $5,000 is available for events that include significant Indigenous Australian elements.

Provides individuals and organisations with up to $20,000 to support the delivery of science engagement activities during National Science Week 2025, Australia’s major national celebration of science.

Funding is provided for the purpose to create employment pathways and opportunities for people with intellectual disability and other high support needs.

This is the second and final round under the Fund. Up to $14.7 million is available for this second round, and grants can be for up to 15 months. Most grants are anticipated to be between $50,000 and $500,000 (GST exclusive.).

This program provides free LinkedIn ads and marketing consultation to non-profits to help build awareness, connect with key stakeholders, recruit program participants, and more.

They are currently accepting applications for our September 2024 – June 2025 Ad Grant cohort, and are focusing on organizations supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion; workforce development and economic opportunity for professionals overcoming barriers; and environmental sustainability.

The program provides access to funding for community infrastructure projects such as libraries, parks, and sporting and cultural facilities in urban, suburban and peri-urban communities – projects that connect communities and enrich quality of life at a local level.

Local government entities and incorporated not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants between $500,000 and $15 million to cover up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs, with lower co-funding requirements in place for First Nations Community Controlled Organisations and low rate-based councils.

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