This is an opportunity for community groups and organisations in Fowler to enhance local infrastructure and resources.

This initiative offers vital funding ranging from $2,500 to $20,000 to empower volunteer and community organisations to deliver social benefits to local communities.

The Stronger Communities Grant Programme: Round 9 is open for expressions of interest.

The NSW Primary Prevention Multi-Year Partnerships (MYP) Grants Program is now open for local organisations statewide, that address the drivers of domestic, family and sexual violence in our community.

Expressions of Interest will close on Tuesday, 18 February 2025. Following the Expression of Interest, eligible organisations will be invited to submit detailed proposals for funding consideration.

The full grant application process for the MYP Grants Program will be run in early 2025.

The aim of the program is to encourage an increase in active transport through the upgrade of existing and construction of new bicycle and walking pathways across Australia.

Through the program, $100 million in funding will be available from 2024-25 to 2028-29.

The Roads to Recovery (RTR) Program supports the construction and maintenance of the nation’s local road infrastructure assets, which facilitates greater accessibility and improves safety, economic and social outcomes for Australians.

Funding under the RTR Program is available to all local government areas in Australia, for projects delivered through councils, and state and territory governments in unincorporated areas, under the National Land Transport Act 2014.

$4.4 billion will be available over the five years from 2024-25 to 2028-29 under the RTR Program. From 2027-28 RTR Program funding will reach $1 billion per year and remain at that level under this ongoing program.

The SLRIP commenced on 1 July 2024 to provide funding for projects to address current and emerging priorities in road infrastructure needs. Funding of at least $200 million per year will be available under the program.

The SLRIP is an application-based merit-assessed funding program open to all state and territory governments and Local Government Authorities (LGA). Applications are accepted all year round for all focus areas with applications batched for assessment three times a year.

The SLRIP is open for applications all year round. Tranche 2 is currently open and closes on 31 January 2025.

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